Ori Animation International Cooperation Summit 2017
2017-04-21 16:52

“Ori Animation International Cooperation Summit 2017” was held by Ori Animation & Ori Pictures Co., Ltd from 19th April to 22nd April, 2017.


Government representatives, distributors, producers from fifteen countries were invited, including United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, Israel, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, etc, as well as the domestic distinguished guests which include government leadership, key players of media industry, representatives of the universities to participate in the four-day business event. The programme includes Bilateral Talks, Signing Ceremony, Round-table Conference, etc. Participants also visited Suzhou Creative & Design Cultural Industry.


As a cultural communication collaboration event themed by international animation cooperation, which is solely at home and rare overseas, this summit was greatly supported by Ministry of Culture, Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Suzhou Government, which gained a great success.